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INE Security Alert: Preventing the Top 5 Insider Threats

Cary, NC, June 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Internal security threats posed by employees and contractors, known as "insider threats," can be as detrimental as external cyber-attacks. According to a recent Ponemon Institute study, the cost of insider risks is higher than ever at an average $16.2 million per organization, while the number of incidents has ballooned 8% year over year to 7,343 incidents last year. These threats are challenging to detect as they originate from within the organization, often by trusted individuals who have legitimate access to company systems. 

“A proactive approach to identifying and mitigating insider threats is essential in the overall security posture of organizations,” said Dara Warn, the CEO of INE Security, a global leader in cybersecurity training and certifications. “We continue to see that cybersecurity training for businesses is critical to preparing employees at all levels to be the first line of defense against cyber threats. As organizations manage the complexities of growth and change, impactful hands-on training is a key tool to mitigating insider threats.”

INE Security has identified the five most prevalent insider threats and the most effective tactics to mitigate these risks.

1. Malicious Insiders

Malicious insiders pose a particularly insidious risk within organizations because these individuals often have authorized access and deep knowledge of the company's systems and processes, which they can exploit for personal gain, revenge, or ideological reasons. This category includes employees who intentionally engage in illegal activities such as data theft, system sabotage, or the installation of harmful software. The motivations for such actions can be complex and varied, ranging from financial incentives to dissatisfaction with the workplace or even coercion from external forces. These are employees who intentionally steal data, sabotage systems, or otherwise harm the organization.

Prevention Strategy:

2. Compromised Insiders

Compromised insiders represent significant types of insider threats in cybersecurity, as these individuals are often unwittingly manipulated by external attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive systems and data. Sometimes, insiders aren’t acting of their own volition but are compromised by external actors. This can occur through blackmail, social engineering, or malware or even coercion, resulting in their credentials being stolen or misused. The danger is exacerbated because these employees, possessing legitimate access rights, can unintentionally bypass many of the traditional security measures designed to thwart external threats.

Prevention Strategy:

3. Third-party Vendors and Contractors

Third-party vendors and contractors present a unique set of cybersecurity challenges as they often need access to an organization’s systems to provide essential services, yet this access can inadvertently create significant vulnerabilities. These external entities can become conduits for security breaches, either through direct malicious actions or more commonly, through negligence or inadequate security practices that leave critical systems exposed. The integration of third-party services with company operations means that the security measures of vendors must be as robust as those of the contracting company.

Prevention Strategy:

4. Negligent or Untrained Staff

Negligent or untrained staff are among the most common sources of insider threats, primarily because their actions—though unintentional—can lead to significant security breaches. These employees may inadvertently expose sensitive information through mishandling of data, using unsecured networks, clicking on phishing links, or even misplacing company devices. Such mistakes often stem from a lack of awareness about the organization's security policies or a misunderstanding of the potential consequences of seemingly minor actions. 

Prevention Strategy:

5. Departing Employees

Employees leaving an organization can unintentionally or intentionally take sensitive information and leave security holes that could be exploited by malicious actors.They pose a distinct cybersecurity threat due to the access and knowledge they accumulate during their tenure, which can lead to data theft or system vulnerabilities if not properly managed during the transition. Mitigating these risks are essential to detecting and preventing cyber insider threats. 

Prevention Strategy:


While technology provides critical tools for mitigating insider threats, the human element cannot be overlooked. Verizon’s 2024 DBIR Report shows the human element was a component of 68% of breaches last year. It cannot be underscored enough that a well-trained workforce is your first line of defense against insider threats. Regular training ensures that employees are aware of potential security threats and are equipped to handle them effectively. Combining technological solutions with comprehensive training creates a robust security posture that protects organizations from the inside out, fostering a culture of awareness and proactivity in cybersecurity practices.
About INE Security:
INE Security is the premier provider of online networking and cybersecurity training and certification. Harnessing the world’s most powerful hands-on lab platform, cutting-edge technology, global video distribution network, and world-class instructors, INE Security is the top training choice for Fortune 500 companies worldwide for cybersecurity training in business, and for IT professionals looking to advance their careers. INE Security’s suite of learning paths offers an incomparable depth of expertise across cybersecurity and is committed to delivering advanced technical training while also lowering the barriers worldwide for those looking to enter and excel in an IT career.


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